Materialographic microscopy and sample preparation combined in a 2 or 3 days training course instructed by Struers materialographers and Zeiss software specialists. A third day working hands-on with own sample with a Struers Application Specialist can be added?
Materialographic microscopy and sample preparation combined in a 2 or 3 days training course instructed by Struers materialographers and Zeiss software specialists. A third day working hands-on with own sample with a Struers Application Specialist can be added?
Microscopy Training Course During this training course, you will learn the ZEISS ZEN Core 3.8 Software and how it can benefit your verification process. With the combination of theoretical lectures and practical work in the laboratory, you will get maximum insight and understanding of microscopic examination, image analysis and sample preparation. This special training course gives you the opportunity to train ZEN Core 3.8 software, discuss materialographic microscopy tasks and your challenges with highly skilled ZEISS experts, so you can optimize your verification process.
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