Electrolytic preparation of small and irregular samples
Do you have small or fragile metallic samples and you want to use electrolytic preparation? We will give some tipps for preparing such specimen using electrolytic polishing/ etching equipment.
Electrolytic preparation of small and irregular samples
Do you have small or fragile metallic samples and you want to use electrolytic preparation? We will give some tipps for preparing such specimen using electrolytic polishing/ etching equipment.
Electrolytic preparation offers many possibilities for fast and low-deformation preparation on metallic samples. In some cases, electrolytic preparation is difficult due to sample size or geometry. In this webinar we will give some tips how to prepare such samples.
Informationen zum Kurs
Allgemein Materialografie
Dr. Holger Schnarr, Laborleiter Struers GmbH, Anwendungsspezialist
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