
Sample Preparation - Stainless Steel Demo

​Discover best practices for preparing stainless steel specimens from our applications experts!

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Aufgezeichnetes Webinar

Sample Preparation - Stainless Steel Demo

​Discover best practices for preparing stainless steel specimens from our applications experts!

Do you prepare stainless steels? Please join us for a live demonstration of the process to prepare stainless steel samples on the Tegramin-30 from start to finish. During each step in the preparation process, we’ll discuss the grinding & polishing consumables, preparation parameters, and sample cleaning methods utilized. To wrap up, we’ll discuss recommended cleaning and care for the consumables and Tegramin to ensure maximum uptime.

This online demonstration will cover:
- Live preparation of stainless steel samples
- Discussion of consumables, preparation parameters and best cleaning practices
- Cleaning and care of the consumables and Tegramin equipment to ensure maximum uptime

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